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Tuesday 22 November 2011


hey ! 
last monday , there was a football game between Malaysia and Indonesia at Jakarta.
the game started at 8.30pm and ended at 11.30pm :)
the players played for 120 minutes , imagine that ! 
usually football game only take 95 minutes but this game was even longer . hehe XD
there were about 100 000 people came to the stadium to watch the game. 
yeah, but i only watched at my house : P
so the final score was Malaysia 5 , Indonesia 4 .
it was a great game, lots of action, excitements and full of fighting XD

these are the pics of malaysian players when we won ! enjoy ;)

these are the fanatic fans' faces when Indonesia score a goal  :)

the goalkeeper of Indonesia sad b'cause of Malaysia's winning ! Go Tiger ! haha XD

shockingly , a 'bomoh's pic' was found in the google images of the game. shocked rite ? -,-

our winners ! Team Malaysia ^o^

our fans :)

we were greatful b'cause of the winning :) 

le gra,

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