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Thursday 10 November 2011

good became bad -,-

hey ! long time not blogging ..
good became bad .. wanna know ? 
em, yesterday i got a call while i'm sitting with my mum doing sumthing ^^ hehe
a man inside the phone asked " is this nuruljannah ? " 
woo ! i knew already what was that about ! wehee XD so excited 
my mum said " yes "
the man said " you won the tickets to the showcase .. "
i'm really really really excited ! i'm smiling to big .. dunno what bad things i'm gonna face to..
the man said " the showcase was on bla.. bla.. bla.. "
my mum asked me " what was that ..?
i said " i joined a contest . i just wanna win the CD but why i got the tickets ? aish ~ "
my mum said " so, who gonna send you there ? "
i said " ala.. mum, please .. "
my mum in a hard voice said " no, no ! your father is working on that day "
ya, he's also working on sunday sometimes -,-
i just went into my room and suddenly my tears rolled down ... uh ..
i went out and took her handphone and text someone that might persuade (memujuk) me..
she said " nevermind, if you're lucky my dear, one day you'll go there .. "
it made me a little bit relax ..
just thinking who's gonna go there to replace me ? O.o 
actually, i wanna give the tickets to Faaiqah . my besties . she loved him a lot !
i wanna surprise her if only i win.. just told her today .
she cried when i told her this. she asked whether i'm lying. haha, of course not ! why should i ? 
she can't go b'cause she has sumthing to do..
so she asked her sis. maybe her sis will go. 
you must be wonder what showcase i supposed to go.. it's showcase of GREYSON CHANCE ! XD
it's once in a lifetime guys ! i'm really pity b'cause i can't go. but a friend said it's good to win :)
my mum should actually understands me as i'm her child. it's free though. em, nevermind. 
that's all. i won but i can't go. that's good became bad. rite ? thanks for reading ! Tata :)
this was the pic i used for the contest ! not so nice but thanks b'cause let me win Bella :)

le gra,

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