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Sunday 23 October 2011

worst day

as my title said, the worst day ..
it wasn't today but last friday .. 
bad news.. someone i loved fall sick ..

em, i cried after my pray, before i sleep and when i woke up in the morning..
no one knows .. really ~
just me know this, and you too :(
i never cried like that .. em..

i really loved her, she's like my mum, like my friend too ..
i always message her, everyday actually..
i told myself, if i can meet her, i wanna told her that i love her a lot :)
i wanna hug her and say sorry for every mistake i done..

but now she's recovering :)
but, not full recovering.. but that's better than before, right ? hee :)
i always pray for her ... 
you too, okay ? thanks :)

le gra,

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